Protecting Your Loved Ones From Financial Exploitation
People enter nursing homes because they are vulnerable. As such, they tend to be vulnerable not only mentally and physically, but also financially because of their health and the nature of the nursing home environment, they are forced to trust the individuals employed by the nursing home to take care of them and protect their best interests.
Although people are basically good, and this trust is often rewarded, sometimes it is not. Some dependent adults become victims of the very people who have undertaken the responsibility to take care of them. At the law offices of Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert, & Prieto, LLC, we work with clients throughout Georgia to stop financial abuse of the elderly. Our aggressive lawyers are committed to working with seniors and their families to stop financial abuse and punish those responsible by holding them accountable for their actions.
Warning Signs Of Financial Abuse Of The Elderly
One of the most frightening things about financial abuse of the elderly is that it can be hard to detect. If you have access to your loved one’s financial records, there are a few things to watch, for example:
- If a trusted care taker begins exerting too much power or suggests becoming a financial power of attorney, it might be good to keep a close eye on their financial transactions.
- Paper trails from unexplained or unnecessary financial transactions can be a good indicator of financial exploitation.
- If a senior is on a fixed budget or has fixed outlays, a checking account that is over drafted may be a telling sign of financial abuse of the elderly.
Let Us Help. Contact Us For A Free Consultation.
To contact an attorney at PMHP Law, call our offices in Atlanta at +1-404-618-0882 or contact us by email.