Have you gathered the right evidence for your car accident case?

A car accident can leave you with serious injuries and property damage. If you have been hurt in a car wreck that was caused by someone else’s reckless actions, you may file a car accident lawsuit against the responsible party.

However, to win your lawsuit and receive the compensation you deserve, you need to build a compelling case against the defendant. And part of this requires you to put together the right evidence for your case.

Here are important pieces of physical evidence you will need when litigating your car accident lawsuit.

Dents and scratch marks

Dents, scratch marks and dings can clearly show the point of impact. The size of the dent is directly proportional to the severity of the impact. It is important that you document the dents and scratches on both vehicles immediately following the accident. With your smartphone, be sure to zoom in and take as many pictures as you can from different angles.

Skid marks on the tarmac

Car tires leave skid marks under special circumstances. One such circumstance is when the driver makes emergency braking to avoid a collision. These skid marks will be crucial when proving how fast either vehicle might have been traveling.

Broken glass

It is not uncommon for the windshield and side windows to shatter following a collision. If you are a hit-and-run victim, chances are the motorist might leave behind pieces of glass that can be used to identify the car that hit you. It is important that you show the officer who visits the accident scene these pieces of glass so they can preserve them as evidence during the trial.

Most car wrecks are caused by other drivers’ negligence. If you have been involved in a car accident that is not your fault, it is important that you explore your legal options so you can hold the negligent party accountable while safeguarding your rights.