7 Safe Driving Tips While Traveling to Your Spring Break Destination

safe driving tips

When you’re road-tripping over spring break, you know it’s a busy time to be driving. Everyone and their dog is headed to a new beautiful location. Because of the increased traffic, you’ll need increased care and attention to detail.

Whether you’re a new driver or a veteran, follow these safe driving tips to make sure you’re ready to head to your dream destination. In the case of an accident, you’ll need to call in professional help.

Use a Seatbelt

51% of car-accident related deaths are caused by unrestrained passengers in vehicle car accidents. By simply putting on a seatbelt, you decrease your chance of death by 50 percent in the case of an untimely accident. When you get in your car, simply buckling up can be one of the best safe driving tips when it comes to saving your life. Even if you think you know the road and are confident in your abilities, wearing a seatbelt helps protect you from the mistakes of others on the road as well. 

Never Drive Impaired

Have you ever spun in circles and then tried to walk straight? It’s almost impossible! Similarly, drinking or taking drugs can cause serious problems when you get behind the wheel of your car. You choose to protect yourselves and others on the road when you don’t drive impaired. Every day, 32 people die from drunk driving in America. Don’t be a part of that number. No matter how much fun you’re going to have on vacation, choose to stay sober while you drive—it can save lives.

Is Your Vehicle in Tip-Top Shape?

This safe driving tip is one to check and check again. Make sure all of the fluids are full, the brakes and tires are in good condition, and nothing looks amiss. Don’t just trust a mechanic to give it a once-over; take a look yourself too—you know your car best.

Get Enough Sleep

No matter how much caffeine you drink or power-napping you do, it’s going to be hard to stay awake and alert on the road if you don’t get enough sleep before your trip. Make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep before hitting the road—it can make all the difference between arriving safe and sound or getting in an accident.

Keep Your Distance

We know you’re excited to get to your spring break location, but it’s never a good idea to tailgate other cars. It can lead to an accident if the car in front of you has to suddenly hit the brakes. Keep at least three seconds between your car and the one ahead of you for optimal safety.

Defensive Vs. Aggressive Driving

When you’re driving and encountering other drivers, remember to always practice defensive driving. To drive defensively, you are constantly aware of your surroundings and are careful to respond quickly to other drivers on the road. When you engage in defensive driving, you’re not easily taken off guard—you can be quick to handle big problems.

Aggressive driving is the opposite. It involves a driver disregarding the safety of others on the road, honking their horn, cutting people off, and even tailgating cars to make them move faster. This type of driving leads to road rage and more accidents.

Sharing is Caring

Our last safe driving tip: Don’t forget to share the road. No matter where you’re going, remember that others are in the same boat as you—so share the road with bikes and pedestrians. If someone is yielding or needs to cross and it’s safe, then let them. It’s an act of courtesy that can go a long way.

When Things Go Wrong, Call in PMHP

In the case of an accident, call in PMHP—skilled motor vehicle accident attorneys. You deserve to get compensation; you deserve to get help. At PMHP, you will have an attorney dedicated to you and your health. No matter your budget, PHMP will only charge you if you win—that’s how committed we are to you. Schedule a call with us today.