Mistakes to avoid after a car accident in Atlanta

Every year motor vehicle insurance companies pay out billions of dollars in settlements for motor vehicle accidents. Since insurance companies are a business, they look for ways to keep from spending money whenever possible. It is vital for drivers in Atlanta to know how important the negotiation process is when settling a motor vehicle accident case.

The devil is in the details

If you make the decision to work with the insurance company yourself, you may make a seemingly harmless mistake on your initial phone call. When you call the insurance company, they will probably ask you how you are feeling. Even though it’s human nature to say that you’re doing well, that sort of answer can put you at a disadvantage from the start.

Instead of saying that you’re “fine” or “doing well,” simply tell them that you are calling to discuss an injury claim. If you make it sound like you are doing alright, the insurance company will use that against you.

Talking to the other driver

It is also natural for people to speak to the other driver involved in the accident at the scene. Saying something as simple as, “I’m OK” to the other driver could potentially harm your case. Things get even worse when one driver admits to the other driver that he or she was doing something else at the time of the accident. Your best bet is to avoid having a conversation with anyone other than law enforcement at the scene of the accident.

If you have been in a motor vehicle accident, it is important to note that the only person on your side is the attorney that you choose. The insurance company and the other drivers are not your friends and don’t have your best interest at heart. Contacting an attorney who can represent you and help you get the funds that you deserve could be your wisest decision.