Atlanta Drinks And Drives

The effects of drunk driving are devastating. Intoxicated drivers endanger innocent lives every time they hit the road. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that Americans drive under the influence more frequently than expected. Based on a large number of self-reporters who admitted to drunk while intoxicated in the previous month, the CDC […]

Why You Should Never Sign An Arbitration Agreement

In the case of arbitration agreements, what you don’t know can hurt you. A growing number of companies and professionals are slipping arbitration clauses into standard contracts. This trend is risky for consumers who unknowingly sign away their right to sue in court. An arbitration agreement shields companies and professionals from lawsuits by requiring customers […]

Marta Injuries – When The Ride To Work Goes Wrong

The Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority (MARTA) serves 1.6 million passengers each year. About 60 percent of passengers commute to work daily, and 70 percent of riders use both the train and bus to reach their destinations. Although MARTA prides itself on transporting passengers safely, efficiently and dependably, a number of deadly accidents occur each […]

Auto Accidents Are One Of The Most Common Forms Of Personal Injury

One of the most common forms of personal injury results from auto accidents on our local roads, highways and interstates. The attorneys at Prieto, Marigliano, Holbert & Prieto, LLC. have the experience you are looking for to help you navigate the court system and to battle the deep-pockets of the insurance companies who look to minimize their settlements. Our attorneys have over […]